

Mar 8, 2024

On International Women's Day, we celebrate Les Foyers de Tambacounda.

Happy International Women's Day!

The journey from rural village to education and independence is not a journey every girl gets to make, but through the Foyer, we are making it available to more young women than ever before.

Diatou Ngom, a former Foyer student, can attest to how an education transformed her life. After moving from her village to the Foyer to complete her studies, she went to college in Dakar and now works as an accountant at the Africa Queen Hotel.

“I lived at the Foyer in 2017-2018, the year I earned my Baccalaureate. Living at the Foyer was a memorable experience because it taught me to live communally, to forge tight-knit relationships, but with strict educational standards thanks to Madame Sow, who contributes enormously to the well-being of the girls at the Foyer.

I can say that each girl who passes through the Foyer has the chance to succeed in whatever they choose, thanks to the lodgings, the afterschool classes and programs, the safety, the security, the food. Truly everyone is there to help the students succeed. I loved the Foyer and can’t thank the Le Korsa team enough for the incredible environment.”